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Strategic Planning in Business Management: A Canadian Entrepreneur's Perspective

June 7, 2024

Visits: 56

Strategic Planning in Business Management: A Canadian Entrepreneur's Perspective

Strategic planning is essential for any business. It helps define goals, set priorities, and determine the best ways to achieve success. As a Canadian entrepreneur, I have seen firsthand how strategic planning can make a big difference in business management. In this article, I will share some insights on strategic planning, focusing on delegation and contracting.

Understanding Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is about setting long-term goals and creating a roadmap to reach them. It involves analyzing the business environment, identifying opportunities and threats, and developing strategies to use strengths and improve weaknesses. For Canadian businesses, this can mean adapting to local market conditions, understanding consumer behavior, and complying with regulations.

The Role of Delegation

Delegation is a key part of strategic planning. As a business grows, it's impossible for one person to handle everything. Delegation involves assigning tasks and responsibilities to others, which allows the entrepreneur to focus on the bigger picture.

Identifying Tasks to Delegate: Not all tasks should be delegated. Strategic planning involves identifying which tasks are better handled by others. Routine tasks, administrative work, and specific projects can be delegated to team members with the right skills.

Choosing the Right People: It's important to delegate tasks to people who are capable and trustworthy. In Canada, the diverse workforce offers a range of skills and talents. As an entrepreneur, I look for employees who not only have the skills but also share the company's vision and values.

Providing Clear Instructions: Successful delegation requires clear communication. When delegating, I ensure that my team understands what is expected, the deadlines, and the importance of the task. This helps in avoiding misunderstandings and ensures the work aligns with the strategic goals.

The Importance of Contracting

Contracting, or outsourcing, is another crucial element of strategic planning. It involves hiring external companies or individuals to handle certain tasks or projects. This can be more efficient and cost-effective, especially for specialized tasks.

When to Contract: Contracting is useful when the business lacks the expertise or resources to handle a task internally. For example, hiring a marketing agency to handle advertising campaigns or an IT firm for cybersecurity needs. In Canada, many businesses contract out tasks to tap into specialized skills and technologies.

Finding the Right Partners: Choosing the right contractors is essential. I look for partners with a proven track record, good references, and who understand the Canadian market. Building a strong relationship with contractors can lead to better collaboration and results.

Managing Contracts: Even when tasks are contracted out, it's important to stay involved. Regular communication, setting clear expectations, and monitoring progress ensure that the work meets the strategic objectives.

Benefits of Strategic Planning

Effective strategic planning brings several benefits:

  • Clear Direction: It provides a clear direction and helps prioritize efforts.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensures that resources are used effectively to achieve goals.
  • Adaptability: Helps the business adapt to changes in the market and stay competitive.
  • Performance Measurement: Allows for tracking progress and making necessary adjustments.


Strategic planning is a critical aspect of business management. For Canadian entrepreneurs, it means setting a clear vision, delegating tasks to the right people, and contracting out specialized work. By focusing on these elements, businesses can achieve their goals more efficiently and effectively. Strategic planning not only helps in navigating the current market but also prepares the business for future challenges and opportunities.

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